create an agile team

10 Proven Tips on How to Create an Agile Team

May 23rd, 2024 by

Learn how to create a dynamic and collaborative agile team with these 10 expert tips. Boost efficiency and innovation in your team today!

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6 hr policies in india

Top 6 HR Policies in India You Should Know

May 16th, 2024 by

Understanding HR policies in India is essential for both employees and employers. Explore the top 6 policies and procedures to ensure compliance and a positive work environment.

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lwf deduction meaning in salary

LWF Deduction Meaning in Salary, and its Benefits and Importance

April 16th, 2024 by

The Labour Welfare Fund (LWF) is a vital contribution by both employees and employers to ensure the well-being and social security of workers in India. Enacted within the provisions of the Industrial Disputes Act of 1947, LWF has been implemented in 16 states across India (list mentioned below). This deduction from salaries, orchestrated by state governments, fuels […]

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payroll system

What is a Payroll System? Why Do Companies Use This System?

April 3rd, 2024 by

If you’re struggling to manage your company’s payroll, you’re not alone. Managing employee compensation is a repetitive, mundane task. Keeping up with tax regulations while performing monthly administrative tasks can also be a headache. Additionally, manual payment processing can consume significant time and lead to inefficiencies and errors. But there is no need to worry! […]

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hrms full form

What is the HRMS Full Form? It’s Much More Than Just Its Full Name

March 21st, 2024 by

If you are an HR professional, you must be aware of the emerging digital tool that is becoming the backbone of the modern HR department. From recruitment to onboarding, performance tracking, payroll, and compliance, this solution automates critical HR functions. However, what is this software called? It is referred to as HRMS Software, which stands […]

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hrms software

No Time to Waste: Why Small Businesses Need an HRMS Software Right Now?

February 15th, 2024 by

Have you ever seen an HR department in a start-up? Do they have a proper recruitment or training process in place? Do not be surprised if the answer is NO. Most small businesses do not even have a dedicated HR department. However, if you find a small business that does have an HR department, you will find […]

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hrms software

Artificial Intelligence and Human Resources: How is Their Relationship?

January 15th, 2024 by

The guarantee of artificial intelligence (AI) to drive HR team efficiency is a really transformative fact. Therefore, we will see the relationship between Artificial Intelligence and Human Resources and the future of this combination throughout this blog. We will also dig into how AI can be a powerful ally for HR teams, taking on effortful tasks. […]

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best attendance software

15 Best Attendance Software in India Reviewed by Our HR Team For 2024

December 18th, 2023 by

You know, what is one of the key fundamental aspects that affect a company’s productivity? Is it employee performance? Indeed, it is. But before performance evaluation, employee attendance information remains a must-have piece of data. From detailed and accurate attendance reports, you can confidently know what employees are regulars and look at their leave-taking patterns. […]

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payroll deductions

What Are Payroll Deductions in India?

December 13th, 2023 by

In the complex financial and legal framework that makes up the world of work is Payroll Deductions. It stands as a crucial element that influences the financial well-being of workers and the regulatory compliance of companies. In this blog, we thoroughly clear various doubts What payroll deductions in India are, What the main categories of […]

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relieving letters

A Short Guide on Relieving Letters: What Are They and How to Write One? [Format & Sample Included]

October 17th, 2023 by

When an employee leaves a company, he/she needs an official document confirming the company’s agreement to their resignation. This official document is known as a Relieving Letter. It allows HR professionals to record important dates and protect the company with backup documentation of events whenever required. However, learning more about this letter and how to […]

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chro business acumen

What Are the Top 6 Benefits of Strengthening the CHRO’s Business Acumen?

October 9th, 2023 by

Business acumen is crucial for any company’s Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO) as it enables them to align HR strategies. Strengthening a CHRO’s business acumen means making informed decisions regarding talent acquisition, development, and retention. It enhances workforce effectiveness and contributes to the company’s bottom line. Moreover, business acumen helps the CHRO identify and mitigate […]

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innovative team names

Transforming Your Workplace for Success: The Power of Team Names

October 5th, 2023 by

Do you know the hidden force that binds employees together? Or the fuel that ignites a mutual fire of coordination in the workplace? It’s not about special training sessions, strict rules to follow, or any automation software. It’s simply about Innovative Team Names that you can give to your teams. Yes, you read it absolutely […]

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payroll software

NYGGS Payroll Software Features Designed Especially to Help Start-ups

September 28th, 2023 by

As a start-up founder, you’ve likely invested countless hours and resources into building your company, but payroll management is one critical aspect that continues to cause headaches. Fortunately, NYGGS offers a lifeline to start-up founders and payroll management teams by providing efficient and accurate Payroll Software. In this blog, we explore the key features, functions […]

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organisational citizenship behaviour

What is Organisational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB)? 5 Traits of OCB Included!

September 26th, 2023 by

What would you call it when an employee selflessly goes the extra mile, supporting his/her colleagues without expecting anything in return? There’s a term for this remarkable trait known as Organisational Citizenship Behaviour or OCB. It’s not just a term; it’s a concept that holds the key to unlocking the power of a positive, productive, collaborative […]

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salary negotiation hr

How to Negotiate Salary with HR? 7 Worth Knowing Tips?

September 22nd, 2023 by

We want to work, yes, but also earn a good salary; at least a fair salary. It doesn’t happen… much. In fact, we saw recently that, according to a survey carried out by Mint Life, 58% of Millennials do not consider salary negotiation with HR. In the same survey by Mint Life, 1 out of […]

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attendance software

How to Integrate Attendance Software into Your Workflows?

September 1st, 2023 by

Do you own or manage a business with a vast workforce? How are you currently tracking their attendance? If you’re still using old-school timekeeping systems like punch-in and punch-out clocks or logging hours on a spreadsheet, you could be costing your company time and money. Consequently, with today’s focus on flexibility and speed, this software […]

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online hrms software

5+ Ways to Successfully Maximize Work Efficiency with Human Resources Management Software

August 29th, 2023 by

Companies are in a race to automate every possible task to improve work efficiency. One of the crucial departments in a company is the human resources department. Therefore, to automate its tedious tasks, Human Resources Management Software is your helping hand. Also, the adoption of the remote work model has made many businessmen realize the […]

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project management software

How Project Management Software Boosts Team Collaboration and Productivity?

August 11th, 2023 by

Have you ever wondered the reason behind some companies in the same sector making more profit than others? This is because those companies seamlessly collaborate within departments to finish their tasks on time. As a result, there is a substantial increase in the overall productivity curve of the business. And when companies start accomplishing smaller […]

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hrms software

How to Integrate/Implement HRMS Software into Your Workflow?

July 31st, 2023 by

Implementing HRMS Software in the organizational workflow is not a big deal. It involves a series of well-planned steps, including planning, research, execution, and implementation. However, if you’re already using HRM Software, making the switch becomes much easier and smoother. Moreover, it’s essential to acknowledge that human resource software users are well aware that the […]

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task management software

Efficiency at Your Fingertips: The Benefits of Task Management Software

June 9th, 2023 by

Have you ever messed up with tasks? If you have, you’re not alone. In fact, many business owners — big and small alike — have been successful at task management and are passionate supporters of it. If you still aren’t convinced that task management could provide you with enough value for your business — and […]

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hrms software solution

How the HRMS Software Solutions Improve Employee Experience?

June 8th, 2023 by

For years, companies put all their effort into providing their customers with an excellent experience. And they forget or ignore their own employees’ experiences – intentionally or unintentionally. But as technology evolved, businesses own HRMS Software Solutions to better the employee experience. Further, the Employee Experience is a concept that focuses on the employee’s well-being, […]

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payroll software

A Review of NYGGS Payroll Software for Indian Businesses

June 2nd, 2023 by

When it comes to HR automation technology for businesses, most people think of Payroll Software. In today’s dynamically evolving business world, businesses constantly seek innovative ways to streamline their workflows. One area that takes up a lot of time and effort is payroll administration. In fact, traditional manual payroll methods are not only time-consuming but […]

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tracking employee attendance

Attendance Management Software: An Effective Approach to Tracking Employee Attendance for IT Companies

June 1st, 2023 by

We cannot deny the fact that tracking attendance is a tedious task. The HR department can resonate with this completely. Moreover, it is difficult when you have to keep track of so many employees in an IT company. So, software like attendance management software has been introduced to help the management maintain an errorless record. […]

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employee leave management software system

Know Method about Employee Leave Management Software System for Your Business

May 19th, 2023 by

Managing the leaves and absences of your employees is not easy. Leave management has evolved over time, and today a company can opt for written, digital, or even automatic methods, such as HRMS Leave Management Software, to carry out efficient monitoring and control of leaves. In this blog, we will discuss HRMS Leave Management Software, […]

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Grow Your Business with Time and Attendance Software: How? Read on

May 15th, 2023 by

It’s hard to change how you measure staff attendance, but Time and Attendance Software does a much better job of tracking it with more flexibility and significantly fewer headaches. These are some of the things you need to know about Time Attendance Software The software is usually hosted in the cloud, making it accessible to […]

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A Comprehensive Guide to Know HR and Payroll Software

May 3rd, 2023 by

Efficiently managing your HR and Payroll processes can be tough, but it can be a breeze with the right tools. This blog will explain everything you need to know about this software, from its features and benefits to its different types and tips. So, whether you’re a small business or a large enterprise, buckle up […]

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What is CTC in Salary? Difference Between Paychecks and CTC

April 28th, 2023 by

In human resource terms, the full form of CTC in salary means the cost-to-company. Basically, it is the total cost spending on an employee in a month by an employer. The cost-to-company (CTC) includes the employee’s salary, allowances, bonuses, and any other cost of benefits. In some cases, it may also include the cost of […]

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Attendance Tracking System: Features, Tips to Choose, and Cost to Implement! (A Mini Guide)

April 20th, 2023 by

Attendance Tracking is an essential component of every organisation. It assists the HR department in recording employee attendance and the accounting department in making accurate payroll. However, traditional attendance tracking methods can be time-consuming and prone to errors. This is where an Attendance Tracking System comes in. In this article, we’ll discuss Attendance Tracking Systems, […]

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HRMS for Small Businesses: 5 Tips to Choose the Right HR Solution

April 17th, 2023 by

As small businesses grow, managing human resources is not an easy task. Tracking employees’ data and processing mass payroll can quickly become overwhelming. Specifically for small businesses with limited resources, these tasks of managing employees bother. This is where HRMS for small businesses comes into play. In this blog, we’ll discuss what HRMS software is, […]

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What is UAN (Universal Account Number)? A Mini Guide!

March 22nd, 2023 by

A Universal Account Number (UAN) is a unique 12-digit identifier. The Government of India assigns it to each salaried employee. We can use UAN for various purposes, including tracking funds, claims/contributions, and many more. In this blog post, we will explain what a UAN is and how to generate one for you. So whether you’re […]

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What is Job Poaching? Legal or Illegal in India?

March 20th, 2023 by

When an employee possesses highly looked-up after skills and experience, it is common for companies to want to attract these employees so they can have better talent at their organization. You will be able to get more attention from organizations if you have these skills. They will be willing to pay you more and provide […]

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new employees onboard

10 Fun & Engaging Ideas to Get Your New Employees On-board

February 27th, 2023 by

Starting a new job is an important milestone for every working person. And an organization can play a significant role by laying the right foundations for new joiners. It starts with the onboarding of the employees. The fun and engaging employees on-board is a powerful way to boost employee retention because “first impression is the last […]

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Application Tracking System – 6 Tips and Tricks know about ATS for Your Business

February 23rd, 2023 by

What can the HRs do to ensure that it hires the ideal employee? They use their robust knowledge and take help from reliable tools; the Application Tracking System (ATS) in this case. For any company, a systematic selection of candidates is very important since it determines how well the company is able to acquire talent. […]

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What Are Performance Management Systems? 3 Phases to Implement It

February 6th, 2023 by

While performance management is an essential part of Human Resources. It is not always successful in implementing the most effective model that best meets company needs. This management is a method used by HR to measure employees’ performance, although other factors also play a role. Employee evaluation is, therefore, a priority for those in charge […]

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Purple Unicorns Meaning: Rare Characteristics That Differ Them From Purple Squirrels

November 9th, 2022 by

Having purple unicorns in a business do not imply those mythological creatures have forehead horns. These are the perfect candidates that a talent acquisition team looks for. Therefore, it has become a buzzword in the recruitment industry.But what exactly is a purple unicorn, and how are they different from the purple squirrel, another elusive creature?This […]

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Features and Benefits of Attendance Software

November 1st, 2022 by

For many years there has been a manual system to track employees’ entry and exit times. It is a task that has always been in constant evolution. In the current world, the old complex systems have changed and become simple-to-use software. This software system is now called attendance tracking software. Now, employees need their fingerprints […]

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Why is Project Management Software Essential for a Business?

September 12th, 2022 by

After the pandemic hit, work from home (WFH), which was once considered a luxury, became a norm for everyone. Many organizations found it hard to adapt to these changes, resulting in low productivity and loss of business. But humanity, as we know, always prevails when facing adversity. With the assistance of technological innovations like project […]

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Payroll Software: A Comprehensive Guide

Payroll Software: A Comprehensive Guide

August 18th, 2022 by

If you are running a business with multiple employees, you must have heard the word ‘payroll’ thrown around a lot. And why not? After all, payroll is an essential process for any business as it entails compensating employees, one of the most essential resources,  timely for all their hard work. Even though the process sounds […]

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5 Ways an HRMS can Improve Hiring in 2022

5 Ways an HRMS Can Improve Hiring in 2022

August 2nd, 2022 by

The importance of the HR department has skyrocketed in the last decade. According to research, the HR industry will become increasingly pivotal in the upcoming years and continue to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.2% from 2021-2028. HR managers today play a crucial role in the success or failure of a […]

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